How long does GF Paint last?

Posted by roy 27/02/2019 0 Comment(s)

Q: How long does GF Paint last when the can is in good condition, unopened and stored in correct temperatures?

A: Water-based products will last 3-5 years when stored in ideal conditions. Avoid temperatures below 10°C or above 26°C. Keep from freezing. Note, a can of paint that is 3 years old will not look like a can of paint that is 6 months to 1 year old. You will see stratification/separation which is normal. Products should be stirred thoroughly before using. Note, at Euro Finishes, we recommend stirring rather than using a shaker.

Q) What are clear signs that your product is no longer in good condition?

A: A foul smell indicates contamination of the product. Failure to re-solubilise large, chunky lumps when stirring indicates the product has frozen and can no longer be used.

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