Our next stock delivery is on the OOCL Montreal, ETA Southampton 4th September, which should arrive at our warehouse about a week later.


Posted by admin 29/06/2017 2 Comment(s)

We supply Safety Data Sheet PDF documents to give you full safety details. They can be downloaded from the factory website at https://generalfinishes.com/safety (note, items on link includes items not available in the UK and Europe and the VOC levels quoted are for the USA which excludes water content in the percentage).

The Health & Safety Executive Britain's Health and Safety Commission (HSC) and the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) are responsible for the regulation of almost all the risks to health and safety arising from work activity in Britain. See HSE Free Leaflets - Woodworking.

Note:  When using oil based finishes, take careful precautions when disposing of waste products.  Rags, steel wool or other waste soaked with these products may spontaneously catch fire if improperly discarded.   Immediately after use, place rags, steel wool or waste in sealed, water-filled, metal container.  Dispose of in accordance with local fire regulations.

2 Comment(s)

11/04/2024, 12:52:02 PM, www.vulnweb.com


11/04/2024, 12:56:05 PM, www.vulnweb.com


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