Tuesday, 25 March: Our latest stock consignment from General Finishes is now in stock and available for ordering.

Opening For Orders

Posted by roy 18/03/2021 1 Comment(s)

18 March 2021 (updated 22 March)

We are finally ready to accept orders and start shipping to mainland Britain. Please see PROCEDURE BELOW.

NOTE: We are not yet able to export as we are awaiting our VAT / EORI numbers but you can advise pre-order requests without obligation.

VAT Information

As we are awaiting our VAT registration we can not issue VAT invoices. Invoices will be issued with prices increased by 20%. On registration, VAT invoices will be available with the SAME TOTAL amount. This is as recommended by the UK Government here: https://www.gov.uk/vat-registration see "While you wait"

New Company and Bank Info

Following advice from Companies House, we are now set up as a new company, Bruach Ltd, trading as Euro Finishes (our registration number is SC690602).

We have merchant payments set up and our new business bank account. Our new bank account details:

Account name: Bruach Ltd
Account number: 00722743
Sort code: 832003

IBAN: GB32RBOS83200300722743
Bank address: 142-144 Princes Street, Edinburgh, EH2 4EQ.

Ordering Info

Do not order on our website yet.

If you do not already have an account, please create an account at: https://www.eurofinishes.com/index.php?route=account/register

Please either add items to your basket and copy / paste the list of items into an email; or send a list of items and quantities.

Email to orders@eurofinishes.com

Once we have checked availability we will send you an invoice. Please pay by bank transfer, stating our invoice number as the payment reference. For smaller amounts, and retail we will email a 'Square' payments request so you can pay by card online.

Note, we have good stock but aware we can not supply full quantities of popular items (e.g. High Performance, Flat -Out-Flat, and some Milk Paint and Stain colours). We need to try and apportion out to initial orders. We will try our best to be fair but apologise if we get it wrong.


John & Roy

1 Comment(s)

Margaret o connor:
19/03/2021, 04:54:08 PM

when do u think you will be able to ship to Ireland please ?

Roy Brown:
24/03/2021, 05:32:34 PM

Hi Margaret, We hope soon, once our VAT registration (and therefore EORI number) is issued. Applications are taking longer than usual due to Covid. You are welcome to send a no-obligation pre-order request. Thanks Roy

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