Tuesday, 25 March: Our latest stock consignment from General Finishes is now in stock and available for ordering.

Business Situation March 2021

Posted by roy 15/03/2021 0 Comment(s)

15 March 2021

I hope​​ you are all well and your business is OK.

Sorry for the delay in updating our situation. It has been quite a challenge, especially with the virus which seems to double the time to sort anything.

Following advice from Companies House, we are now set up as a new company, Bruach Ltd, trading as Euro Finishes (our registration number is SC690602). And I am delighted to advise John Boa has joined as an equal owner (email john@eurofinishes.com). He has been busy reorganising our warehouse and preparing for processing orders.

We have merchant payments set up and our new business bank accountOur new bank account details

Account name:
Bruach Ltd
Account number: 00722743
Sort code: 832003
IBAN: GB32RBOS83200300722743
Bank address: 142-144 Princes Street, Edinburgh, EH2 4EQ

We are awaiting our VAT / EORI numbers for exporting. As soon as we have this we can also start exporting. These are 'due' by the end of next week.

We very much hope you will continue to trade with us. We plan to focus on promoting the excellent General Finishes range and associated products, through greater social media and online marketing.

General Finishes continue to innovate and is now making the products more eco friendly with the introduction of "Renewable resources" comprised of plant proteins in several existing ranges including Milk Paint https://www.eurofinishes.com/euro-finishes-blog/renewable-resources

Best regards,

John & Roy


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