Tuesday, 25 March: Our latest stock consignment from General Finishes is now in stock and available for ordering.

Business Situation January 2021

Posted by roy 20/01/2021 3 Comment(s)

Since Peter passed away unexpectedly late last year, I have been busy sorting out his affairsthe business and supporting our elderly mother.

Unfortunately, Peter had not filed the accounts before he passed away and we are not allowed to trade until these are submitted. I am in the final stages of collating the annual accounts and having the company reinstated. This is why payment options on our web store have been temporarily disabled, to prevent orders from being placed (but to keep the site online).

I am very keen to restart the business on the right footing and financially up to date. The bank has also been very helpful during this reorganising.

Once we have permission to trade again, we hope to start shipping immediately as new stock arrived late last year. John - who some of you have met at our stand at the North of England Woodworking Show - has joined our team and is busy reorganising the warehouse and will be helping ship future orders and helping to promote the business. 

Thank you for your understanding at this difficult time.
Sorry for not always keeping everyone updated. It has been an enormous task - and felt overwhelming at times - but I believe we will be in a stronger position once we reopen.


3 Comment(s)

Lu Bauer:
29/01/2021, 01:09:00 PM

I am so sorry for your loss. Please let me know when you are able to ship again.

reloved by Mags:
28/02/2021, 06:14:58 PM

so sorry for your loss, very tough trying to sort things out, looking forward to your reopening , let me know when we can order again please

26/04/2021, 11:35:36 AM

I am so sorry for your loss

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