Friday 21 March: Our latest stock consignment from General Finishes arrived today and will be online and available for order soon.

Bruach Finishing Supplies Blog

Not exhibiting at the North of England Woodworking Show this year

Not exhibiting at the North of England Woodworking Show this year

roy 04/11/2024 1
This year, we are not exhibiting at the North of England Woodworking Show in Harrogate.  Although we have had a stand at this excellent show for many years, this year has been very busy for us. With the remodelling of our business from purely warehouse-based to opening our new shop, the show was one thing too many! Additionally, before, it was our annual opportunity to meet with our customers, but now we enjoy seeing...
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GF's New Durable Dead Flat Top Coats Are Now Available

GF's New Durable Dead Flat Top Coats Are Now Available

roy 06/12/2022 4
Bruach Finishing Supplies, the importers and distributors of General Finishes to the UK and Europe are delighted that due to brand new patented polymer technology, GF has created a Matte sheen without waxes and matting agents that decrease durability.  Until now, Matte sheens always came with a compromise in durability. Consumers have been asking for an ultra-flat topcoat that is as durable as our other sheens, and G...
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Euro Finishes Spring 2022 Price Rise Pre-Notification & Newsletter

Euro Finishes Spring 2022 Price Rise Pre-Notification & Newsletter

roy 08/04/2022 0
Update We have had a challenging couple of years with covid, Brexit and the passing of Peter Brown. We thank all who have supported us during this time. We are now reorganised and more focused on building the sales of the excellent General Finishes range. The addition of renewable resources in many of GF’s products and new products like VAR II point toward strong growth and innovation. Price Rise from 14 April 2022 T...
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Why Do Paint Cans Rust? Why Aren't Paint Cans Made Out Of Plastic?

Why Do Paint Cans Rust? Why Aren't Paint Cans Made Out Of Plastic?

roy 24/03/2022 0
General Finishes is often asked about product cans. Why do they rust? Why aren't they made of plastic? Here is the backstory from GF: During the supply-line shortages caused by Covid, we are thrilled to have any cans for our paints, stains, and topcoats.This is not just a General Finishes problem. It is a paint industry problem. All major paint manufacturers have the same issues.Our retail and professional lines invo...
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Exporting Update

Exporting Update

roy 06/07/2021 0
We are taking export orders on our webshop. Initially, there is a minimum order value (excluding shipping) of £140 (about 150 Euro, the IOSS threshold). The export shipping option will not show unless your basket of goods is at least £140. Export orders will not be charged VAT. Terms: DPU – Delivered At Place Unloaded, customer liable for any import duty, taxes and customs clearance.  We are now export shipping using...
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How to Prep Clean an Existing Finish for Paint or Stain Video

How to Prep Clean an Existing Finish for Paint or Stain Video

roy 20/05/2021 0
The most critical step of a furniture refresh happens before you open a can of stain or paint; it starts with cleaning and sanding. Some companies promote their products as "no prep." There's no such thing. Skip this step and the finish may fail. The General Finishes standard for a successful finish is it must adhere well and stand the test of time. STEP 1. PREP CLEAN We prefer using a 50:50 mix of denatured alcohol ...
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How to Power Prep Existing High Use Finishes for Stain or Paint Video

How to Power Prep Existing High Use Finishes for Stain or Paint Video

roy 20/05/2021 0
The most critical step of a furniture refresh happens before you open a can of stain or paint; it starts with cleaning and sanding. Some companies promote their products as "no prep." There's no such thing. Skip this step and the finish may fail. The General Finishes standard for a successful finish is it must adhere well and stand the test of time. STEP 1. PREP CLEAN We prefer using a 50:50 mix of denatured alcohol ...
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How to Prep Sand Raw Wood Video

How to Prep Sand Raw Wood Video

roy 20/05/2021 0
General Finishes believe victory loves preparation! Though many may claim sanding is not necessary before applying stain... it is necessary if you want an even application and you want it to stick! This video discusses preparing new wood for finishing. The most critical part of finishing a piece of furniture happens before you open a can of stain or paint – it starts with the sanding. Sanding is critical to create a ...
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What are the renewable resources in General Finishes Products?

What are the renewable resources in General Finishes Products?

roy 17/05/2021 0
What are the renewable resources in General Finishes Products? Renewable resources are a recent, eco-friendly advancement in the paint and coatings industry.  They are comprised of plant proteins such as corn; as well as conventional and innovative oils derived from plants such as Euphorbia lagascae, Vernonia galamensis from the sunflower family, and Calendula officinalis, aka marigold. General Finishes products form...
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April 2021 Store Open

April 2021 Store Open

roy 10/04/2021 0
Saturday 10th April 2021. We are pleased to advise our online store is now open for online orders and payment. We are accepting orders for Mainland Britain and Northern Ireland. Export should be soon (awaiting or EORI number) but contact us as some of our stockists will export.  For Click & Collect from our Edinburgh warehouse, please phone +44 (0) 131 661 5553 or email to arrange a collection...
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Opening For Orders

Opening For Orders

roy 18/03/2021 1
18 March 2021 (updated 22 March) We are finally ready to accept orders and start shipping to mainland Britain. Please see PROCEDURE BELOW. NOTE: We are not yet able to export as we are awaiting our VAT / EORI numbers but you can advise pre-order requests without obligation. VAT Information As we are awaiting our VAT registration we can not issue VAT invoices. Invoices will be issued with prices increased by 20%. On ...
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Business Situation March 2021

Business Situation March 2021

roy 15/03/2021 0
15 March 2021 I hope​​ you are all well and your business is OK. Sorry for the delay in updating our situation. It has been quite a challenge, especially with the virus which seems to double the time to sort anything. Following advice from Companies House, we are now set up as a new company, Bruach Ltd, trading as Euro Finishes (our registration number is SC690602). And I am delighted to advise John Boa has joined...
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Renewable Resources

Renewable Resources

roy 12/03/2021 0
What are the renewable resources in General Finishes Products? Renewable resources are a recent, eco-friendly advancement in the paint and coatings industry.  They are comprised of plant proteins such as corn; as well as conventional and innovative oils derived from plants such as Euphorbia lagascae, Vernonia galamensis from the sunflower family, and Calendula officinalis, aka marigold. General Finishes products form...
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Business Situation January 2021

Business Situation January 2021

roy 20/01/2021 3
Since Peter passed away unexpectedly late last year, I have been busy sorting out his affairs, the business and supporting our elderly mother. Unfortunately, Peter had not filed the accounts before he passed away and we are not allowed to trade until these are submitted. I am in the final stages of collating the annual accounts and having the company reinstated. This is why payment options on our web store have been ...
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Peter Brown

Peter Brown

roy 18/01/2021 0
 I am sad to advise Peter passed away unexpectedly on 17 October 2020. Peter was the eldest of three sons, Roy and the late Tim, all born in Edinburgh to parents Joan and the late Colin. He had a very happy childhood in Edinburgh and attended Melville College.  His interest in aircraft led to him joining the Combined Cadet Force at school and obtaining his pilot's license at a young age. His flying led to his later p...
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